Planning Appeal
Following Rushcliffe Borough Council’s refusal of the application for Longhedge Solar Farm in March 2023, RES lodged an appeal in September 2023.
RES, as applicant, consider the original design of the scheme fits sensitively into the existing landscape whilst maximising the low carbon, low-cost electricity generation. We have however, considered feedback from statutory consultees and the community and made amendments which relate to the removal of solar infrastructure north of Hawksworth village. The updated site plan can be viewed by clicking on the link below. Minor changes have also been made to the proposed hedgerow planting scheme, details of which can be found in the Landscape Masterplan linked below.
Landscape Masterplan
All parties with an interest in the Appeal had an opportunity to make comments on the amended proposal so that the Planning Inspector may be aware of all views and information in deciding whether to grant planning permission. The closing date for comments was Monday 15th April 2024. The Public Inquiry starts on Monday 10th June 2024. Further information on the appeal can be found at using the 7-digit reference number 3330045.